Lori and Her First Month in Portugal

Kalie sits down with recently retired Lori, who moved to Portugal on her own just about a month ago. She’s got a unique perspective on what you can expect right after you move to the country.

Okay, you ready Lori was it scary as a single female to just pick up your life and leave your home country.

I'm ready.

Ah, yeah, actually it was but I think more exhilarating and exciting than it was scary I think that outweighed the fear but definitely there was some trepidation there. Leaving the familiarity and the comfort of home and everything that you know of course yeah Million -d dollarlar question. Ah so I think kind of outweighing all things was more.

Then why'd you do it? ah.

Desire to at this point in my life kind of my child grown and out on our own to branch out. Try something new gain some new experiences and some new insight into the world I think living in the Us we often. Kind of become sort of ethnocentric and sheltered and I was pretty aware of that and wanted to see what I could do to branch out and find out what else was out there. So I was yeah.

So just kind of looking for something different. Well what were you doing before.

Found it what they doing before so I worked in medicine as a pa for 21 years doing urgent care raising. Ah my daughter as a single parent so life was pretty full working full time and. Being a parent and you know that 20 years of that was just kind of a blur. You don't realize how little you are actually experiencing outside of those 2 main things they're so consuming.

All right? So then you decided to just pick up your life and leave or was this a plan or what was the process like.

Um, ah it was kind of a plan. Yeah I mean it's been something that I had been thinking about and wanting to do actually for a long time actually before I had my daughter she came along a little bit later in my life. Um. And then as she got to be you know 16 17 I started thinking what's next what's round around that next corner when she is an adult and moves out on her own and I started actually watching you kaylee ah expats everywhere. Ah. Youtube believe it or not and um, learning about portugal and I'd been curious about portugal for other reasons too. But once I kind of found that and started to hone in on that became more my focus.

And then I kind of developed a plan. It was actually initially going to be a little bit longer term than what it ended up being I didn't think I was going to do it for another two more years but um, things progressed and proceeded more quickly and here I am.

Were you worried about were you worried about leaving your daughter.

2 years sooner than I thought yeah sorry um, yes, actually my earbud fell out there. We go yes I was I still am um, we're in contact every day I think um, but that's kind of my. Biggest reservation still and I'm still kind of coming to terms with that is um I think as a parent you know it's not something that you envision you're going to do you more envision someday they're going to grow up and possibly leave the state and. Go away to college somewhere and that's kind of the natural course and um, but as the parent being the one that moves away. It's it's a there's ah, a lot that comes with that they feel guilty I feel a lot of things. So yeah I'm still worried about it.

Well, what kinds of things are you doing to alleviate the guilt or the stress of it.


Ah, ah, well we text pretty much every day even little texts here and there I brought my pets with me and there are pets that you know she in her teenage years kind of grew up with so Um. We'll send pictures back and forth of the pets or different things. Um I think mostly it's maintaining contact with her.. That's the biggest help kind of just staying in touch a little bit even ah, a few sentences every day.

How did she react when you when you said you wanted to move abroad.

Incredibly helpful.

Ah, ah, let's see initially I think you know all Along. She's been probably one of my biggest supporters and biggest encouragers believe it or not and I think um for her it's it's Exciting. It's. Kind of you know your mom's doing something cool, not the typical mom that you know her friends have kind of still accessible and readily there I think she still sees me as accessible and readily there. But um, but yeah, she's been my.


1 of my biggest supporters so kind of yes ah is so she is 19 She'll be 20 in February. So yeah.

So you became the cool mom with this.

And and how old is your daughter now. Okay, so is in it She in school now.

She is. She's in college locally yes and in Portland Portland oregon e yes I've been in Portland ah 16 years almost seventeen years so

Um, and ah, nice and is that where you were from I know I know from the states I didn't know where you lived prior to the move.

Awesome! Thank you! thanks.

Okay, so you mentioned pets and we're going to talk about that in and a little bit bringing your pets over to Portugal specifically to lisbon where you live. But why portugal you talked about researching some other places. What were some of the other places you were looking at and then why portugal.

Yeah, you're welcome.

I did well I wanted Europe in general I knew that much just that's where my interest and the history and my curiosity's been for a long time. It's where my my heritage my my dad is um. Actually first -generation american from germany came as a young boy. But um, he's since passed on quite a few years but I knew I wanted europe um, and I think portugal kind of became more of this center focus once I started learning about that it was. Incredibly safe. Um, really accessible certainly more affordable than some of the other european options and relatively easy to immigrate to the process for an american um so those were kind of the main deciding factors for portugal. I think for a single woman. Um, safety is a huge factor for me. So.

Yeah, definitely what was the moving process like for you.

So it was I mean I actually got your course the d 7 course followed through with that and then um actually ended up ah utilizing move in is it. Okay, if I tell about that. Yeah.

Um, yeah.

So um I got in touch with move-in and utilized their services and they helped a tremendous amount with the actual visa process. They pretty much took care of that for me I had a house to sell in Portland um, and that decision was made.

Kind of late in the game actually after I had decided that I was doing this um, the decision to sell the house came a little bit later. It was still trying to figure out. Do I want to keep it and rent it out. Um, you know there's a lot of things to figure out when you own a home. So got into that market of selling the house when the market was really good for a seller. Um and that changed pretty quickly right? after we sold it. But um so dealing with that selling the house once that was done things were pretty easy i. Got rid of a tremendous amount of stuff I mean stuff that you you picture you know you've had all your life and you you identify with these belongings and and then all of a sudden they take on a different kind of reality for you. But it's more like. My gosh. What am I gonna do with all this stuff. It's such a burden so I got rid of a lot of stuff I have a 5 by 5 storage locker still um, but that made that actual moving process a lot easier also pretty much I brought my pets and clothes. That's it like 4 duffel bags of clothes.

How did it feel to kind of purge and get rid of stuff. Yeah.

And my pets so amazing. Um, yeah, amazing. Yes, really good and it still does. There's a couple of things that I'm I'm like oh crap why did get rid of that but ah like. 2 small things then other than that it's really liberating it. It I can't speak enough to you know after living there 16 17 years in the same place you accumulate so many things and you know objects. Some of them are really sentimental. Some of them. Not so much but that actual initial. Okay I'm going to get rid of these things initially. It's a little bit hard. You don't really know where to kind of draw that line what you want to let go what you don't but then you kind of get out and roll with it and. It really starts to snowball and you start to see how liberating it really is to I mean if I wanted to right now I rented a furnish department of course I bought a few things here some plants some little pillows for the couch things like that. But if I wanted to pick up and move. It would be so easy compared to moves that I've done in the past when I lived stateside it would just be. You know, call a taxi and throw in the bags. It did be easy.

Some people I think have a hard time with you know the idea of of getting rid of everything so they're considering shipping. Did you ever consider shipping stuff over.

I did um and I still am that little bit of stuff that I have in this storage Locker. It's basically some artwork that I Really like that I don't want to part with but I I Also don't want to I mean what am I gonna do leave it. There. Pay $50 a month a storage fee indefinitely I don't envision returning. So yeah, I'm still kind of trying to figure that out am I going to ship these things or am I going to get rid of that last little bit am I going to try and find somebody who wants these last few things. Yeah, I'm still trying to figure that process out.

So the locker is just a short-term solution.

Um, it is um it is I gave myself six months ah to make that decision and yeah, so um.

Yeah, that's good. That's kind of good to like give yourself a timetable like a timefra of when I'm going to actually make a make a move on this one way or the other and it gives you enough time now that you've landed in lisbon to fill things out figure out apartments and everything.

Um, the.

Um, right.

Um, yes, which was a process is it.

You which yes we will. We are going to touch on that so you are in lisbon. Why did you choose lisbon and do you see yourself being there long term.

Um, um, so that's a that's a good question I actually kind of waffled between do I want to be in the bigger city. Do I want to start off somewhere. A little bit smaller more coastal like area. Sarah um, ah Porto was obviously was another option for me I think I settled on lisbon largely between lisbon and porto because what I envisioned the weather was going to be like. Now the last week here. Um, you would think you're in Portland but but yeah, so um, lisbon is more it I wanted something a little more central.

Same here.

Large enough that would give me kind of enough options for language classes. Um activities things like that while I kind of gain my footing and be able to explore on my own I Think the infrastructure here is great. Um, it's easy to get around. Um, it has a lot to offer. Yeah Porto does too I think again, that's still my second choice So I don't know if that answers the question directly. But.

Um, okay, yeah, so now that you're there. Are you finding that lisbon is offering everything you thought it would.

I think so yeah I mean I'm still in I mean I've been here just over a month. So and I think when you move on your own. Ah it. I mean my stepson and his girlfriend helped me but they were here like the first 2 weeks and then they left but then I've been on my own and so um, there's this element of culture shock that I'm still experiencing and everything is still such. Ah, learning curb for me the simplest things like um using the washing machine. It's a completely different thing. It's things that you don't think of just the dayto-day um living tasks going to the grocery store and figuring out what eggs do I want to buy. A seriously a mean you be everything is become a mental workout a mental challenge I have to use my translator on my phone and look at labels and by the time you figure out. What eggs you want to buy what kind of laundry detergent. You want to buy. You're kind of exhausted and I can't I can't say I um I think lisbon is still everything I thought in the sense of um I still have that sense of wonder it still seems.


New and exciting I mean it's still very stimulating with um the architecture and just the day-to-day life. But again I'm still in this state of kind of overwhelm and culture shock. So I can't say.

Ok, what do you do to deal with the daily culture shock.

I Really feel settled.

I force myself to get out every day and to try and to try and speak portuguese and no matter how badly I do it which I do it pretty badly still. Ah but I decided. I need a language course I need I have so I've signed up for an online one. But um, I'm the kind of person I actually need to seek out an in-person go be with people course. So that's on my agenda to. Settle on something this week so one of the things that I do to deal with it is go out I pick somewhere new each day to go get a coffee in practice just ordering my coffee in in portuguese and it's kind of funny because. Actually ended up with 2 coffees one day at the little cafe because the way I ordered it I I actually ordered a cafe and a gallau. Um, but I thought I was ordering that.

What I thought I ordered what I got were 2 different things and he actually brought me 2 coffees a little cafe and a go out and it was it was just hilarious. The guy was laughing um, but that's what I ordered and so he was trying to ask me and he didn't. Didn't want to use like my translator I found that quite a bit actually people don't want they they either are going to speak a little bit of english to you because they can or they absolutely don't want to and they insist on kind of speaking the portuguese they don't want to. Talking to my phone. It's funny Kaylee it's it's um, and again I don't know if I'm answering this question very directly. But I think the biggest thing is to force myself to get out and find 1 thing to do every day where I speak with people. Um and go somewhere new. Ah, different store a different coffee shop eat a different pastry and that's that's actually I thought Mike I got easily a year's worth of a different pastry every day. So but yeah.

Oh that's so hard rough life.

Ah, ah.

No yes, Okay so exposure to the language and just going into different places maybe to just be more comfortable with what they look like and your surrounding areas.

Um, yes, yeah I joined a gym. Um I did that on Saturday so and then I came down with this cold to a on Sunday Sunday and yesterday so I haven't actually gone yet. But I actually joined a gym and. Um, I actually went and looked at 3 different ones before and talked to the people so I was kind of proud of myself actually just going in and saying hey what are your services and what are your plans and how much does it cost and figuring that all out so little things.

Good good getting yeah little things get you settled right? yeah.

Yeah I think so I think so I need to need to still develop some routine and and get on track with that I think that's going to be really helpful.

Who What were some other ah stressful things. Let me ask that again because I stuttered what were some other stressful things for setting things up.

Ah, it's okay.

So moving into the apartment was a little bit stressful I ended up going with Remax agent to help me which which worked out really well. Um, and we kind of became friends. She's a really cool gal. It's it's interesting. That's actually happened quite a few times but um and then getting into the apartment. Um, that was as far as getting the contract and all of that things are slower. They are slower here I mean something that that whole process of um.

Finding the apartment that was not what I expected either. It. It works different here than at home. So at home. It's kind of more a first come first serve if you apply for a place and you're first in line well then you're first in line here it's more um there's a lot of competition for good apartments right now and um people you make offers that's kind of a whole new concept for me. Um, again, that's something navigating that with Beatrice from Remax was incredibly helpful because. Kind of just talked me through and advised me everything to do and handled getting the contract. Um, which came in english also which was good but then moving in and getting my utility set up that was ah that was ah that tried my. Patients quite a bit. The water was turned on in ah in three days the electricity came on eleven days after I actually got my keys. So um I was here I would stay here a night or 2 and then I'd go to a hotel. But is literally I can see from my back balcony across this little park is a hotel ibis I'd go and I'd stay there. Um, for night, get showered charge everything up and then come back and stay in my apartment um with candlelight and my pets for.

For a couple nights and that that went on for um, eleven days so he came initially to actually turn on my electricity at like five days but then got here and something to do with the circuit breaker box was not. Um, of course he didn't speak english and my portugues is certainly nothing able to to communicate with ah an electrician or power company and the it was wired for a certain type of ah.

I don't know delivery system they called it monophase and phase 3 These are terms that aren't I'm not familiar with but I did not have the right type of contract for the type of power that was needing to be turned on so he left. It basically said something to me in Portuguese I didn't understand I I really didn't understand what was going on and he left and um so I called up Beatrician I was like so he left I have no power I Really don't know what to do now so she ended up communicating with them for me. Um, they had to rewrite the whole contract that took several more days So Then they gave me a date to come back to that they were going to turn on the power. Um, and I was here and I waited and waited and then I got this text from Beatrician She said. You left the house and I said no I didn't leave the house I'm still here I'm waiting they haven't shown up yet and she says oh they said they were there and you didn't answer the door and I said no no, no, That's that's not correct. It's I'm here I've been here all along and so she said hold on. Let me let me. Call them so went downstairs thinking. Okay if they just left I could catch them. There was nobody around the um, there's a concierge actually for this building and she's portuguese that she doesn't really speak English and I think I looked a little bit upset and she was asking me what was going on.

She knew that I was here without power and I but she's willing to use the translator on my phone so explain to her what had happened and um, she basically called up the power company and it sounded like a little bit of a heated conversation.

Hard to tell with portuguese. But.

Ah, but it it's hard to tell yes and anyway she talked with them and basically then communicated to me that they were coming back tomorrow that they would be here the next day honestly don't feel like that would have happened if it were just up to me to try and figure this out. Um I don't know I don't know I probably wouldn't still have power I can tell you tell you that but I think there's definitely some things that learning some portuguese I think.


Are essential or at least having somebody that does speak portuguese and that can advocate for you or jump in and help you um I know everybody says oh you can get by in english I'm not convinced of that Keley I really that's not my experience and in particular in the neighborhood where I live. Um, that's not been my experience I I feel really compelled to go learn some portuguese and that experience of dealing with the utilities and things like that is kind of really reinforce that.

Um, okay.

Yeah, and that's really good advice because I think a lot of people do just say oh it's lisbon. It's a capital city. It's Cosmopolitan you can speak English but lisbon is huge and there's lots of neighborhoods and little pockets and you know around lisbon that you might find it hard.

Idea for me.

Um, I Yes exactly and I feel like going down into Basha shadow the touristy areas. Definitely I have no problem getting by on English there. But. Even um, go into Elcorte English The the huge department store here down in the grocery. Um asking workers there um things like where's the cat food or you know do you have canned soup things like that in my. Experience I would I'm going to say it's probably more than 50%. Don't speak English or they tell you they don't um which is okay I just feel like if people aren't prepared for that. Ah, or they're. They don't want to live in a little kind of sheltered restricted Environment. You got to be prepared for getting out there and trying to learn a little bit on your own. So Oh and that's hard.

Yeah, putting yourself out there and and not being embarrassed about it right.

It it but it gets a little easier every day. Yeah.

That's good so you were saying that along the way some people who have helped you like your real estate agent and the concierge lady I've been people that you have met and some of them have become friends. How else are you meeting people.

Um, yeah, so well again I'm still pretty new and still trying to find my footing and um navigating that I I've um I met I met some friends at dinner one night actually and they've become really good friends rather quickly. It's a portuguese couple. Um I was at dinner in this little restaurant. It was right after my stepson left and I was feeling kind of Moby and lonely and ah. I had done something that I I don't normally do I went to use the toilet I'd left my cell phone on the table I was in this little corner ah of the restaurant. A kind of isolated little corner table and they were next to me and I don't know why I did that I but I did and I came back and. Um, Daniel my friend he started to talk to me in english and said you know I noticed that you did this I just wanted to tell you that you know we were right here. Of course we were watching things but and lisbon's very safe but he started to just kind of talk to me about. Um, that precaution of oh you probably shouldn't have just walked away and left yourself when on the table and I felt kind of really silly because of course I shouldn't do that and I know that but it ended up. We ended up talking he and and Diana then.

We left dinner there and went and got a drink somewhere and we became friends and we talk every day. Um, we've gone on a couple of bike right now and um, actually one bike ride I'm sorry we were supposed to go on one and didn't but we went on a bike right? I've gone over to their house and. Um, out and had dinner and I'm incredibly grateful for meeting them so they're my first like real Portuguese friends I met a couple of Americans they generally seem to not. Want to kind of communicate as much I'm finding at least my limited experience so far I think um, maybe they feel a lot like me sort of that fear of falling into this trap of kind of surrounding yourself with. People that speak your language and then you won't need to branch out. Um, so I think that's kind of where the Americans that I met are kind of coming from we we've actually talked about it had those conversations but definitely Um. Trying to figure that out. How do I meet more people hopefully at the gym and when my dog's better at the dog Park. We'll see. Ah yeah.

Yes, yeah, good options just kind of getting out there right and I mean look how that happened with Daniel and Diana you you know were meant to leave your phone even though you thought it was silly shouldn't have done that and then you did and and now it worked out so just kind of chatting with people at restaurants or like you know when you get out for the dog.

Um, yes, yeah.

Park and those those options So I want to chat about that. You said you bought your pets How many pets did you bring over and what was that like for you.

I brought 3 I brought 2 cats and a dog. Um, that was easy again your advice and in the stuff in your video is just spot on. Just follow that and that's the process.

It was easy. It was it was more expensive than I thought on the state side ah end of it going to the vet there but that's probably pretty variable depending where you live but having to go through that whole Usda pet exam thing. Um and then getting here. Um, going through the little bit of process at the airport. Um it. It was actually pretty easy. The flight for the dog was really hard. It was easier for the cats ended up needing to find a vet right away my dog got hurt. Um, she's actually. Already had surgery so see. Ah, yeah, it's it's good. The vet. Um, well it was great in all honesty, the the vet care here has been.

So what's that experience been like the vet one of the vet.

Phenomenal I was just absolutely amazed I went to I think it's probably 1 of the larger ah veterinary hospitals in in Lisbon. Um I just got on Google and there was a place close to me and um, it had good reviews and i. Went took her in um, they got me in right away they but there was a gal there at the desk that didn't speak english but she got somebody who did the vet spoke english um, fluently, um, it was great. It was really. Incredible. They got her in to see she needed a cardiologist before the surgery that appointment was within a week um it it was. It was wonderful and incredibly affordable compared to prices in the United States for veterinary care. So.

Okay, so good experience overall and affordable compared to what you're used to and will you go see this vet from now on or is it just for hospital emergency type things.

Um, really pleased. Yeah.

Um, yes, yes.

Um, you know a will actually um, they do just irregular routine veterinary care. Also so and very happy with them. Um, and yeah I think they're going to be my regular go to vet. So.

Um, great. Did you find it hard to rent an apartment with pets.

So I think so and I say I think so because again I was working with the woman from Remaxx and there's a lot of competition for apartments and I know that they ah.

Technically speaking aren't allowed to deny you based on pets but I think um, they have enough applicants for good places and it's not the same process like first come first serve. Um, kind of process that you're used to coming from the states. Um, it's easy for them to to pick a potential tenant that maybe doesn't have pets I I can't say for certain that that's what happened with a couple of other places that I was interested in that it's because of the pets that it didn't happen. But I I do I think it is what happened does that make sense. So yeah, um, and then I have 3 it's not like just having 1 right 1 cat or 1 dog I have 3 pets so I think a lot of people kind of consider that a lot for.

Um, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, so they get a little scared and move move to someone else.

1 apartment. Yeah, and then ah you know? yeah I paid a sizable security deposit for them also so it is it is yeah there.

Is that refundable. Okay, all right? So maybe a negotiating tactic. So maybe a negotiating tactic would be to offer a refundable pet deposit.

Um, yes I think so I think so.

All right great. Well at X Plus everywhere we believe that living abroad transforms lives and I know it's still new. Lisbon is new for you. But how has it transformed your life so far.

Um e.

Ah I think taking me out of my comfort zone of familiarity like I said earlier everything becomes a challenge so it is the simplest thing. Going to the grocery store to get eggs to get laundry detergent to figure out the washing machine to order your coffee but by that same same token that challenge is also it. How you? How do you look at it. How are you going to approach it is it going to be an adventure. Is it something are you going to approach it with excitement and curiosity and be able to throw yourself in and embrace. I Have to learn something New. Um, So I think that's one way. Definitely it transformed me and the sense of I'm still coming out of that comfort zone and a minute I'm not. Ah. 20 years old or with that kind of out and throwing yourself out into the world. It probably was a little more set in my waist maybe than some people that go into this you know adventure. Um, so I'm still learning that I think.

Opening myself up to that possibility of um new Relationships New Friendships New um, new language everything I mean it's all new. It's all it's all a transformation.

Oh it does.

I don't know if that makes sense. But I think you yeah you caught me kind of early in this process like I said I've been here a month. It would be interesting to see where are my six months or a year how would I answer some of these questions. Um, because yeah.

Um, well we'll have to have you back on.

I think I still am in that bit of culture shock. You know that bit of ah where am I going with all of this. There's still that there's moments through the day where I question why did I do this not to the point of.


Oh my gosh I want to go back or or that I regret doing it I haven't felt that in all honesty at all. But I'm still I still am in culture shock and still trying to find my footing and trying to find um what does. Ah. What is out there for me. What are the possibilities here and realizing that I've taken that step I've done something that in all, honesty, most of my friends at home. They wouldn't do I made most of the single women that are my age. They wouldn't do this. They think I'm nuts. So I think just that first step in that transformation is huge and now that door is open and it's exciting. It's super exciting to see.


What are the possibilities and where is this going to go is so thank you.

Well, all the best as you continue to settle in Lisbon and we'll have to have you on months and we can see we can see how things have changed and how your language learning is going.

Ah, yeah, wish me luck on that I am going to I decided I'm going to do like a two week immersion course I found a few of those that are in the city. You go a few hours a day. Um I think that'll be advantageous just for you know, getting me. Committed to a timeframe of doing it daily for the first couple of weeks and then getting out there and hopefully meeting some people in the class that's exciting too. So yeah, yeah, oh thank you so much. All right.

Yeah, lots of pros to that. So good luck and thanks for chatting with us today.

Lori and Her First Month in Portugal
Broadcast by