Brexit and Beyond: Rachel's Recollections of Portugal

All right? Well hello rachel how are we doing today you 2 So let's chat about your love hate relationship with Portugal would you would you call it a lovehate relationship.

Hi Kaylee great to see you again. Nice to see you.

Um I don't know now that I'm away. It's more like a love relationship because I miss it. But you know how these things go I But yeah I get what you mean Love Hate kind of not hate hates a bit Stras I miss it I miss it to be honest.


Hates a bit strong. Okay, well then where are you right now.

So I'm in London um, and um, as you know I left about a year ago for a job here and um, it's been really like I we just you know. Miss portugal all the time. Um, especially since we just came back as you know in the spring for an extended vacation and it was just so nice. So calm children are really you know, really accepted and and adored everywhere in Portugal and here. Ah, england it's quite the reverse I mean especially in the city people are like don't want you to bring your kid anywhere with them and if you do ah they can't move from the chair. They can't you know I mean I've got a lively 3 year old as you know and she just. Runs around the restaurant sometimes but the other day we were somewhere where there was no one else in the in the pub and she was we were just there for lunch and she was climbing up some chair but it wasn't a big deal and ah the the man just said oh you know. If you can't get your kid to just sit in 1 place and you have to leave which okay, fine, but there was no one out there and I just thought to myself. Well this would never happen in Portugal I remember especially in Porto the beach. You know the nice beach restaurants and you could just.

Could just roam outside on these verandas and nobody minded. In fact, the staff would actually play with my I I mean so yeah I miss that I miss that a lot.

Okay, well let's give our listener a little bit of background because well tell us ah your background because you're half American half british but you mainly grew up in London right.

Yeah, and well no I'm half American Half british but I grew up in Africa in Kenya so I'm I'm a bit complicated but I have been in England for 25 years and when brexit happened I was so annoyed that I went over to portugal and i.


Got my residency. Um, you know my nif and and everything before I think it was like maybe 2018 or something like that and ah, then we planned to move in March Twenty Twenty to Portugal. We had a place that was being built I had. Place but it was taking years to be built so we became March 2020 and if anyone remembers that date that was like the most tried to try to date that we anywhere. Yeah yeah, exactly was still going over so we arrived.

The worse. Yeah, let's not let's not talk about it.

And one week later everything was in full lockdown. Um, it was still like a nice thing to be there as opposed to in London and because. We had like an amazing beach to walk on. We had the the supermarkets full of food. Nobody fighting. Um, and portugal of course had a great record of of safety at that time they didn't have any as many cases as ah, the rest of Europe and then the rest of the world they were like deemed as one of the better places to be so I think that that was a good thing we were there and we got to meet you guys that was amazing.

Yes, definitely so then was your motivation about moving to portugal was because of Brexit you just want to make sure that you had access to Europe before that was cut off.

Ssss. So.

Um, it was both both the fact that I thought it was a nicer place for maya to grow up and have ah have a child. But also yeah, the fact that I wanted access to Europe because now with Brexit you know we. It's much harder like you have to wait a long time in the immigration lines and it's just you know we don't have that kind of flow of back and forth that we're used to. So yeah, that was my both those reasons were were kind of playing into that.

So then what passports does your daughter hold.

At the moment. She only holds english passport but she has a portuguese residency card because when we live there we got our cards so we're able to stay till twenty twenty seven and I'm hoping to get back. Um, it's just taking a little bit of working on that. Um, in terms of you know, sorting some things out here before we go back and and and I guess we discussed like how hard is it to come back once you've left and actually it's harder than I thought in the sense that. Have to have some time to go figure out have an apartment get your kids placed in the school and then as you know there's many parts of Porto so where do you go in that time and then when is the good time to do that. What part of the year because they have quite limited dates that you can start your school most of them. Quite get quite full as well. So um, yeah, so that's the hard part is like okay then you have to get your stuff back. You have to get your place wherever you are rented out or you know in my case I own my apartment so you know then.

Right? yeah.

It's just um, it's not I don't want to do such a move again without being really prepared because with the small kid. It's that's gonna you know, hard to you know, Adjust if you don't have like a good school for them to go to right away and things like that.

Right? So I think you mentioned earlier that you decide to leave portugal for a job opportunity is that right.

And that's right, yes, a year ago

And had you considered working in Portugal or why would you not work in Portugal.

Oh I really wanted to I mean my ideal scenario would be that I got a good remote working position in Portugal I got that I could work from anywhere and I could just get to stay in Portugal. But I was having difficulty getting that kind of role. Um, that didn't require like some kind of time in an office again and um, you know the portuguese salaries are just kind of I don't I first of all I don't speak portuguese fluently so I wouldn't be able to get a journalist job on a Gen Financial Journalist They don't even have that kind of work there.

So I did do a stint as a real estate agent in the pandemic. Um I really enjoyed that I wouldn't even mind going back to that but it was you know at the time I was doing it in the lockdown. Um, um, you know it wasn't. Easy because my all my clients are international. They couldn't even get there. So I mean I wouldn't mind going back to that and maybe trying that again in Portugal. But again, it's like it's not a salaried position. It's something you do and you make commission which would also be fine with me at this point but you know at that time I did have a good opportunity. Come back to London to what I used to do just financial journalism and it was a good salary and it but it required time in the office and then getting my daughter adjusted to this school was really terrible and she 8 did it and mornings were like some kind of. You know then I get told off because I'll be arriving late in the in the office and I'll bethinking god if they would give me a gold medal if they could see this terrible run to her school for like half an hour then running to the train then getting on the the train and then the bus and then. I should get I felt like I had to get an ward every single day that I managed to get there on time. Um, and you know has not liking the school. But um I did have two days a week remote on that job but it just wasn't really enough and given our lifestyle before in portugal and how nice I've been.

Wasn't really easy to make that transition and I'd say we still struggle a bit with that. You know that the ease of Portugal for.

Yeah, so that's quite interesting because you you lived twenty plus years in London and then you left and while living in Portugal. You loved it. But then you decided to go back for a job and then found that it was hard to go back to even though he had lived there for so long. It was just hard and it was different. Like life was just different I guess right.

Um I think part of it is also having a child so I mean I'm coming I'm coming back to London with a child. Um, who's a bit older who who's a nursery age and they and it's just you look at the kind of ah dog is. To say that I'm in like center of London it's glass everywhere from the pubs the night before I had to fix my prom like 3 times in the time I've been here just because the tires have been broken by brokenr glass because I'm living in a very central area. You wouldn't really find that in portugalrie I found the streets. Quite clean for for that kind of thing. Um and you know a little expedition like going to the beach you know in Portugal we could porter we could go for 5 minutes and we'd be at some nice beach get an uber and go here I mean this weekend we went to south end such as near London and it took you know. An hour and a half on the train to a kind of beach that was kind of cold. You know it's not quite the same experience and this morning it was raining and I just thought I can't make myself go in the rain to drop my kid at nursery so I got an uber. But it was you know it was like 15 yearss as opposed to maybe the five that I would spend in porter you know so it's this kind of those little things that you just think gosh what? what did I do why did I do it. You know, even if I had. Ah even if I had a good opportunity. You know it was like.


Ah, do we do miss it. It's just a way of finding our way back. That's you know gonna be just gonna take some time but I definitely yeah I definitely want to come back? Um, but I want to do it. You know in the right way you know, get ah get the school place before and things like that. So.

But you're working on it.

Right? So logistically. It's a little hard but if you can pre-plan then it'll be a smoother transition. Probably.

But yeah, no.

Exactly exactly um and even things I obviously since Brexit things are much harder like shipping your stuff and just just things like that. It's kind of annoying. But um, yeah, in the past it really was easy to get stuff to portugal by incredibly easy I just packed up a. View boxes and it wasn't even expensive and nobody made me even you know do any major paperwork on arrival or anything but now I think it's going to be very different with the 2 countries. You know, not not really in the same eu zone. So ah.


but um but I mean other than that you know it's just also the pace of life I know you've mentioned in several of your videos that um, it's like a slower pace of life in Portugal and I do miss that due because sometimes I just find like that kind of relaxed.

Friendly way of the Portuguese and I kind of miss that you know they're a bit more so you know laid I would say laid back it' the right word. Um, and so yeah I miss that slower piece of life because everything here is is really fast.

Yeah, really on the go. What about the cost of living comparisons like if I mean London I think people think of it as ah, an expensive city. Um, what have you seen you know from moving back from Portugal to London cost-wise. Have you seen a big difference between maybe like London and Porto. Ah London and Lisbon.

Oh yeah, I've seen a huge for me I was living in Gaia so I had like a cheap rent. Um, so for me, yeah, the price difference is huge like I'm paying almost two Thousand Euros a month for an apartment. That's really really small. Um I would not ah say there's anything in London that's cheaper than Portugal. Ah Portugal is definitely cheaper to live. Um, everything's gone up here I don't know about what's going on there but like electricity I mean my bill was 100 and £ 50 last month for electricity alone and never paid that in Portugal. Um, and at the time I thought that there were things in portugal that were maybe a bit more than London even strangely enough food and things like that. But now I would say there's I mean unless.


Portugals had a massive increase which I understand that some things have gone up in port Light run. So I would say it's still massively cheaper. You know and and yeah, yeah for me, everything was almost the same.

Yeah, but you were you visited recently to Portugal right? You came back for a little bit and it's.

As before I didn't notice the amount of difference. Um, so I'd say your money still goes a lot further than in London and so that's ah another you know, quality of life thing and there's actually people complain about porter being polluted in some areas but actually I find the air is much better. Porter especially by the sea and I think there's a lot of greenery there. So um I say that on all levels. It's just a much nicer place to live ah, unless you like.

Yeah, so you go ahead.

No, unless you have a really good reason to be in London you know.

Yeah, which I mean you thought you did right? because you had a good job opportunity. So that brought you there but now you're hoping to come back and may wills in motion to come back. You want to stick with. Maybe you could do real estate but you could also do journalism so are you working on anything remotely independently right now that you could have that remote job here in Portugal.

Yeah I mean I have a um, ah blog called globecrotting um, and that's been fun to to create. But I mean I don't know that's gonna provide ah ah, provide much but it's it's been fun. Um. And I wrote a book a fictional book. So that's ah also something that could be called under and nova which also could be some kind of revenue pipeline. But in reality I've ever been also looking for remote opportunities that you know I can work from anywhere and once that happens I'm you know. I'm set to to move because I in our king I have a a few companies in mind that I'm just waiting to get background. But um, yeah, if I can get some freelance work I could be a digital nomad in Portugal as a nobrainer to to come back as soon as possible.

And are the companies that you're looking to work for are they portuguese or are they where are they from where are they based out of.

Oh no, so there's one from us that I was talking to recently and another one based in London and so no nothing from portugal because um I don't the only thing I know that's like based in Portugal is like mainly um tourists. And kind of this is around fashion interestingly Port Porto has big fashion business with with a preta porty something. There's a big fashion but um, other than that I don't I don't think that there's a lot going on there in Portugal for jobs.

Yeah, so the ideal situation is to work for a company outside making a probably better wages and then living in Portugal and a slower pace of life. A better cost of living so that would be the ideal situation.

You know.

Yeah, that would be amazing and it's not only that it's also that the portuguese are so friendly and nice towards children. Um, you never have to worry you know I never worried about crime or or. Any kind of somebody kidnapping your kid I mean I know we have that Madeleine Mcca but that's like a one in a you know it's not very common in Portugal and now I just miss that safety as well. Like I can never leave my obviously in the city of London like so um, even though it's not that dangerous here. It's just It's just that kind of I even felt or maybe I'm naive here. But even I felt I could leave my handrid on my Palmm or whatever by the beach and and nothing would happens. So I mean portche just has that nice feeling. You know whether or not it's it's you get unlucky. It's a a question but I think overall it's got the. Third safest country in Europe as far as I was reading recently. So no, not at all like I mean I I don't feel so no I mean you just.

Yeah, and you you don't feel that like around London.

Don't feel you can even let your kid go anywhere far from you or out of sight. You know, just you just don't know I don't think one is massively dangerous. But for example, we went to South End ah this weekend and there were a bunch of drunks.


We were coming back and there were just a bunch of homeless drunk of so many drunk sort to say english people coming out coming out of the pub and it just made me feel uncomfortable with you know with ah a three year old around I just kind of felt uncomfortable with that and that you would again. It's not something you would see that much in my portrait of.

Um, this kind of drunken homeless that in her you order I mean on.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely how does that compare to the US because you've spent time in the us as well and you have family there. So ah, how does it compare to the different cities that you've been in the us Portugal and the safety aspect.

Um, interestingly I did not feel unsafe in New York I mean obviously you are to same level cars and all that when you have a kid but um, there were so many kids I was surprised I saw how side in New York and when I was admire in central park I mean they didn't feel that dangerous. Didn't see any like staggering drunk drunks around. Um that thing kind of ah south and but um, but.

So it's just the english.


Um I don't know it's interesting because in the Us It's a bit different in the sense that you get in your car. You drive somewhere nice and then everyone plays in the parker. It's a bit that car culture so you're not having to walk by Dodgy pubs or so much. But um, no I think us feels a lot cleaner somehow.

Okay, yeah, but that makes sense so that makes me think did you have a car in Portugal or you didn't need 1

And that way thought.

No, did not have 1 um, did not need one that was another amazing thing I mean the cost of the uber I did a a calculation and it even if it was the same cost as a car There's no point in having a car you have the luxury of having someone else drive. You. Someone else may your car. You know if you if you have an uber you you basically have someone navigating for you and you know you don't have any of the work of a car. So no for me that was ah a thrill and I loved that does not being if I wanted to get somewhere like an uber or a bus or a. Metro. So no I really like that by portal 2 um, didn't need a car definitely and and actually I mean it's amazing to so to buy em. But I mean the 10 for 10 euros I think it was you get from porto to lisbon on a bus I mean how i' amazing. But.

Yeah, so you.

And the bus is always accessible. You know and clean and nice on time and just amazing like I got I went a lot of places in Portugal but just by bus or rail and all those services were just amazing.

Yeah, um.

Yeah, that's I was going to ask you so you you were living in Gaia but you've been to a lot of places around portugal and you've spent a lot of time in different locations. So why were you and gaia for a little bit and where else in Portugal would you consider living and why.

Um, so I was in gaia because it was just the cheaper side of porto. But I found that it was almost as accessible. So um, it would still only be like a five or six year cab ride if I wanted to go and there's a bus right outside the house where I was't Gaia. Um, and I quite liked just being out of the main area areas. But um and it was a bit more local my area so I felt like okay I'm not a tourist here I'm living here so I liked Gaia for that because it's also. Well connected to trains and buses and the airport nothing was that far away but you just had that little bit of relief on the rent and a bit more local atmosphere but um, in terms of living I mean I've been told that there's a. Beach I want to check it out called capa rica I don't know I've never been there yet that um I have not found anywhere I prefer more than porter. But I I like the idea of a little bit further souther so that you can avoid a little bit more of the winter. But um I haven't actually had I've been to lisbon I didn't feel that vi that. Home by but nice small city by that porter has um and I really I felt an algove like a bit like a tourist again like I don't want to feel like a tourist I want to feel like I live there and I and I felt like and when I came back to porter bramarvava by ah, life again.

Cool restaurants school people night got eights you know I just felt like our go might be slow for me coming from a big city. You know I don't think I think Porter is a good option I mean there's a couple more places down past. Um.


Simra which I could take a look at but I haven't had a chance yet. But for me, it's still the best place porter for living.

But the only caveat thing that you don't like is that it it gets cool in the winter.

Yeah, it's just that kind of humidity. So I think if you get a new build a house or something that's been tried and tested to not be like damp then you're okay. But I was in a house that was a problem in Gaia that literally could see your breath in the morning and it was just you had those little electric heaters but the electric heaters were not gonna you're not goingnna leave them on all night so you wake up in the morning just you know is I oh I don't want to spend the winter like that. So I think.

Oh my gosh.

A new build. That's really well insulated or you just have a you know a good home. That's not like depending on those electric heaters to just and you you'd be fine, but.

Yeah, because the older places just are not well equipped for how cold it gets I mean cold I suppose is relative as well like generally when I say it's cold a canadian laughs at me because it doesn't snow in Porto or anything. But. But I definitely understand what you mean about it getting cool and it's sometimes it can be colder in your house and it actually is outside.

Yeah that's what I found really annoying is like it could actually be It was always actually really nice outside. It was just inside of the concrete in your the wall was something about the that you're absolutely right? something about that that just um, but it's certainly. Three months a year if you could afford to like have a nice place in alcove during the winter and then just live the recipe and auto then that sounds that would be a good option exactly like the us do right? They go three months to Florida whatever ah.

Ah, like a snowbird. Yeah yeah, or you just have a new bill that has better insulation and you know the newer ones now too like since obviously we just bought our place and we're. Working with an architect and I was asking about like central air and heating because I feel like either in Porto You only have like if you have heat then ah, it's just like the radiators or if it's a little newer. It's those like mini splits with. Air and Heat. So I was asking her how affordable it is to have like central air and heating because in her office she had it so I was curious and she's like oh that's actually more affordable Nowadays. So I was like ooh so moving Forward. We can have central air and heating I was really excited about that. So It seems like that is. The better technology that's going up in porta right now I know I Yes, definitely so and she was talking about the same thing as like if you're cold.

Oh my God That's amazing. Well done if you can get that in. There's a no brainer isn't a.

You know in five ten minutes you don't want to be cold anymore. So boom you turn that on rather than having to wait for something like that's more antiquated like these radiators. So so it seems like you know obviously the older places aren't fitted with those and they're not It's not available but the new builds or newer places that are being renovated at least full renovations. Um, they're starting to put more of that central air and heating which will definitely help with it. You know being colder in your apartment than outside in the winter and the humidity and possible mold issues right.

Yeah, yeah, like I had black mold in the last apartment I was there and that was ah oh no, no not in Guy. No I had that in porter but yet black mold is quite common. Um, but you have to wash it every day. It's just very Unpleasant. So yeah, so important to try and get that right. Um, so.

Yeah, so so how did you find black mold just one day started growing and like on ah on a wall or what happened.

Yeah, think it came to January. Everything was fine until about January and then it started in the bathrooms like it's just all around the walls and the windows of the bathroom. But then it kind of had spread to like the cupboards outside and before you knew it. It. Ah. And you know you put the bleach and you like get it wash it off and it's back there in a couple of days so yeah I've lived through all the the things you've mentioned on your videos. Ah, but ah, exactly, um, but I can't ah can't say where you should.

Yeah, all the stuff to watch out for and avoid.

You know, like but like what you said in and look out for a new bill that would be the answer right? So thick.

Yeah, the best option Obviously you're going to pay for it though right? yeah.

That's it. But if I you know I'm trying to get back to porter I definitely we look at a new build hundred percent then on your advice. Ah.

Yeah, but then ah you know so people are like oh it's so cold in the winters. But the nice thing is it's so pleasant in the summer. So while like lisbon and allgarve and especially Alantasia will get so Hot. It is just very pleasant in the summers here.

Oh yeah, so amazing and with global warming hate to say this. But maybe it's not so bad to be a little bit on the cooler side where we where we are or where we used if ever used to be by.

Um, yeah, where you'll be again soon? Yeah, working your way coming back? Yeah, yeah, definitely back.

Where I'll be soon. Ah yeah I mean like today it's freezing cold in London we have I have a jacket trousers I'm literally dressed for winter and it's um, you know middle of summer we had. Downpour of rain and it's just like this week. It's just been like that and I don't remember a week in in Porto in the summer like that really not not many anyway, not this cold I think I still think england's a little bit colder. All I saying um, but.


Yeah, no, so you got to make your way back here then make it happen but it's yeah.

Think you stands with that's right sooner rather later.

But it is interesting hearing your story just of you know how you love portugal. But for certain reasons you had to leave making the best decision for your family but going back to a place that you grew up or not grew up but you live for quite a long time in your adult years, but it it was just different and of course as different things change when you have a baby but like. It's it was different for you and you're finding that you would rather come back to Portugal now this stage of your life.

Oh yeah, no, definitely definitely I mean I don't know if it's just that I got used to that like slower way of life and or go but people are always so pleasant as well. Everyone says Bondi you know, no no no aggression everybody's like oh they love children. You know they just. Nice people portuguese as far as I have experienced so I miss that too that kind of feeling of everyone's quite happy and this and I think once you've lived somewhere better. It's a bit hard to go back. Isn't it to somewhere else.

Yeah, it's comfortable.

Yes, very true, very true. Well Rachel at experts everywhere we believe that living abroad transforms lives and you've lived in a lot of different places. So how has living abroad transformed your life.

Well, that's hard to say I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing to live in a lot of places I know that's not your motto because you always kind of remember something good from the last place you don't have in the next place and there's always a danger of grasses greener. Um, but I would say it's transformed my life in that it makes me realize the world is smaller than we think in terms of you can always get. You know you can always get somewhere to see somebody if you really want you know the world is small. And and it's amazing. How much you can run into people like so many people said to me the summer I left oh rachel'm coming to porto this this summer or coming to Portugal. Lets me up and and I had to say oh I'm going back to England. And and then this summer I've got a lot of people coming from the us to to England so I mean what I'm trying to say is that we're living in a more mobile world. So just because you're not in 1 place doesn't mean that you know I think we're getting into a smaller world because people love to travel people love to. Me up again. So I feel like don't be afraid to move somewhere. That's because you're afraid of leaving behind your friends or something because you'll make new ones I guess that's what okay now in a long winter way and saying don't I shouldn't be afraid to leave other old friends.

Because you'll always make new ones and keep in touch keep in touch exactly and keep in touch with the others right.

Yep, and then you could visit your? yeah yeah, definitely awesome. Well thanks so much Rachel for chatting with me today.

Oh no, thank you so much Ka and it's great to see you looking well got a tan got that portisee tan Exactly full of great envy. But I'm really good to see you.

I know yeah well, it's not rainy here like it is in London.

Thank you so much. Oh yeah, I am but see you soon all right? thanks.

Ah, you two come back. Come back to Portugal you too. Ah.

Creators and Guests

A global wanderer since childhood I have visited over 85 countries and lived in almost all the continents on this earth! I have written a book, Under and Over. It’s mostly a true story about my travels in the Americas after my divorce. I am a financial journalist by trade but tried my hand at being an estate agent in Portugal during the pandemic and might give it another go in the future.
Brexit and Beyond: Rachel's Recollections of Portugal
Broadcast by